Plus Minus | Hacker Rank

My Solution:

public static void plusMinus(List<int> arr)

        var n = arr.Count;
        float plus =0, minus=0,zero=0;
        foreach(var item in arr){
            if(item == 0){
        float dPlus, dMin, dZero;
        dPlus = plus/n;
        dMin = minus/n;
        dZero = zero/n;

Hello Profesional World

 Hi, My name is Adi

I am a Software Developer. I have work since 2016. I use ASP.NET, C#, Go for my work. 

I want to build a good web app and useful. I always try to upgrade my skill by learn new tech. by learning new tech, I hove it can be useful in the future.

In this post, I just want to start with this  :


Console.WriteLine("Hello Profesional World");


fmt.Println("Hello Profesional World")

Thank you 

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